Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Impromptu Cake Throwdown at The Castle at Ashley Manor!!!!

What a cool week this has been so far!

So we get a call from The Castle at Ashley Manor on Monday (5/12) and they invite us to attend their first ever "public" open house on Wednesday (5/15). If you have ever seen The Castle you know how awesome the place is...obviously we accepted. But there was a catch... and an awesome one at that.

You see, they were looking for another cake vendor to add into their all inclusive packages but they weren't actually selecting us (here's where the awesome part comes in), they were inviting us and the other top cake companies in the valley (6 in all) to compete against each other for a shot at the title. Awesome right??? A freaking cake throwdown!!! It gets better... Instead of just selecting who they wanted as their cake vendor... they gave the power to the people! All of the attendees were given ballots and were able to cast votes using 5 different criteria (cake appearance, flavor, etc) to evaluate the cake companies. Basically, the couples looked, they tasted, they chatted, and they voted.

If I am being honest, I'm not even sure I would have voted for us if I had been an impartial attendee. There were so many great cake vendors with amazing displays and delicious cakes to taste, I imagine that the voting was extremely close.

In the end... I am happy to say that the majority of couples in attendance voted Piece Of Cake (hey, that's us!!) as the winner and we are extremely excited to begin our relationship with The Castle at Ashley Manor.

Whether we had won or not, I would have to give mad props to their staff for coming up with an amazing idea and really getting their brides involved in the process! We had a blast and it looked like all of the attendees did too!


Anonymous said...

You have some great information,thanks.
I hope you post some Photo's of your events and cakes on your Blog soon... You'll get more traffic. Check out, she landed on the Martha Stewart show because of her blog. Being a local I hope to see your success all over! :) Good luck! I'll help spread the word... I know a lot of people and celebrities alike!:)

PieceOfCake said...

Thanks for stopping by and for your comments! I took your advice already and added pics to the most recent entry! :)